Pocono Ski Resorts What Is The Best Ski Resort In The Pocono's?

What is the best ski resort in the Pocono's? - pocono ski resorts

We go skiing in the Pocono for the first time in February and we have no idea what the difference in each station.


Unknown said...

Good Stuff!!

Anonymous said...

As per my knowledge best ski resorts in the world is Colorado ski resorts. I really don't know exactly what are the best ski resorts in the Pocono.

Willie D said...

OK ... I live here and I on skis almost every area of at least three times, with the exception of Blue Mountain. Here are my favorites:

The hands on the best location is Elk Mountain. I moved from VT to PA last year and is the closest things we in the big mountain Keystone State. If you are from New Jersey / Philadelphia / NYC area will take somewhat longer to achieve, but worthwhile. It is one of the few places that are not returned in a valley. It is north and wind (usually not too bad) keeps the snow in good condition. I think he has the greatest variety of hiking trails. Accommodation in the region are rare. There are places to stay, but book early. The masses are not so bad. It is sufficient for most "casual", just skiers. Rare lift lines long and successful, even on weekends. I admit that week can ski a lot and then you almost right for you.

Jack Frost is generally good. It also has a variety of terrain. The weekends are crowded. It is very popular and has one of the best youth programs in the region.Could the only place in the region, has no night skiing. Therefore, except in racing, truth, heads should not deal with reusable ice 8pm. She is the sister of Big Boulder Hill. It's small, but pleasant. Snow quality is still good at BB ... and I on skis, it is enough to know what BB is bad and the snow is good. I go to two places on and off since 1987. BB is small and is an ideal place to study or to the day when you have not taken sufficient JF. Many places in this area.

Blue Mountain. Only twice on skis. We had a very good, when I was there, and I can not remember which is filled with a super weekend. My trip midweek Elk like the fact that I am the place for me. The streets were quite long and it was a good mix of terrain. I must go because it's been a while I was there.

The well-Rans:

Sno Mountain (formerly) assembly. This is the mountain, where I grew up. It took ages to get their things together last year, butnce was in order. Now much better, because the town did not go to the place. You need to learn how to prepare and are not always 100% open. The summit of the mountain is easier to site. It is during the day quite nice, but quickly freezes during the night. The background is the whole country by experts who travel but still enough to at night. Up and down track are sweet, but it usually means two elevator moves upwards. Masses vary depending on weather conditions. It continues to attract more people, so a great day for people with season tickets. A bit of drizzle and a home stay. There are only a handful of true hardcore fans here.

Shawnee. Good snow in general, but almost always crowded. It is also not far from the station in Jersey and get a lot of groups. I avoid that if you have a free ticket.

Camelback. Always Icy or melted. I've never been a good quality of care snow here. The amount varies. I was waiting there on sunny weekends, with no more than three minutes, and I was upstairs when the cold of the CAPand I waited ten minutes for a chair. It's weird. The country would be much better if they learn anything toilet and ski resort. Again ... I avoid it if I have a freebie to get.

Small rooms are best left to the local ski them. Most are not worth the drive if you live near or even kill yourself time.

Willie D said...

OK ... I live here and I on skis almost every area of at least three times, with the exception of Blue Mountain. Here are my favorites:

The hands on the best location is Elk Mountain. I moved from VT to PA last year and is the closest things we in the big mountain Keystone State. If you are from New Jersey / Philadelphia / NYC area will take somewhat longer to achieve, but worthwhile. It is one of the few places that are not returned in a valley. It is north and wind (usually not too bad) keeps the snow in good condition. I think he has the greatest variety of hiking trails. Accommodation in the region are rare. There are places to stay, but book early. The masses are not so bad. It is sufficient for most "casual", just skiers. Rare lift lines long and successful, even on weekends. I admit that week can ski a lot and then you almost right for you.

Jack Frost is generally good. It also has a variety of terrain. The weekends are crowded. It is very popular and has one of the best youth programs in the region.Could the only place in the region, has no night skiing. Therefore, except in racing, truth, heads should not deal with reusable ice 8pm. She is the sister of Big Boulder Hill. It's small, but pleasant. Snow quality is still good at BB ... and I on skis, it is enough to know what BB is bad and the snow is good. I go to two places on and off since 1987. BB is small and is an ideal place to study or to the day when you have not taken sufficient JF. Many places in this area.

Blue Mountain. Only twice on skis. We had a very good, when I was there, and I can not remember which is filled with a super weekend. My trip midweek Elk like the fact that I am the place for me. The streets were quite long and it was a good mix of terrain. I must go because it's been a while I was there.

The well-Rans:

Sno Mountain (formerly) assembly. This is the mountain, where I grew up. It took ages to get their things together last year, butnce was in order. Now much better, because the town did not go to the place. You need to learn how to prepare and are not always 100% open. The summit of the mountain is easier to site. It is during the day quite nice, but quickly freezes during the night. The background is the whole country by experts who travel but still enough to at night. Up and down track are sweet, but it usually means two elevator moves upwards. Masses vary depending on weather conditions. It continues to attract more people, so a great day for people with season tickets. A bit of drizzle and a home stay. There are only a handful of true hardcore fans here.

Shawnee. Good snow in general, but almost always crowded. It is also not far from the station in Jersey and get a lot of groups. I avoid that if you have a free ticket.

Camelback. Always Icy or melted. I've never been a good quality of care snow here. The amount varies. I was waiting there on sunny weekends, with no more than three minutes, and I was upstairs when the cold of the CAPand I waited ten minutes for a chair. It's weird. The country would be much better if they learn anything toilet and ski resort. Again ... I avoid it if I have a freebie to get.

Small rooms are best left to the local ski them. Most are not worth the drive if you live near or even kill yourself time.

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